The reasons to plan the project rise from the three United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals: 8.- Decent work and Economic Growth, 12.- Responsible Consumption and 13.-Climate Change.
Climate change is an unprecedented threat happening right now on our planet and it has an ongoing impact on all of us. With this project we are addressing the needs of companies and entrepreneurs that lack easily accessible information, knowledge and methods to make their business sustainable. We also addres the needs of students and future work force as well as that of higher education institutions to learn and strengthen their knowledge of the environmentally friendly ways to do business. Our project aims to offer one particular solution and bring a contribution to the global movement to save our planet.
Key results at the project level will be increased “green” entrepreneurial and sustainable business skills of learners, improved training competence of educators and new training methodology via outputs, multiplier events and learning events.
- Supportive research on Sustainable Business Practices
- Digital Handbook on Sustainable Entrepreneurship for Climate Action
- Entrepreneurship for Climate Action Digital learning module platform and Social media
- Digital Learning Video Material
Lapland University of Applied science (Finland) – leading partner
Turība University (Latvia)
FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
Project implementation period: 01.02.2022 to 31.01.2024.
Project is financed by ERASMUS+ strategic partnership programme. Project number: 2021-1-FI01-KA220-HED-00003209