In frame of ERASMUS+ project SECA 3 partner Universities from Germany, Finland and Latvia conducted research on existing sustainable business practices. Report can be interesting for learners, students, teachers and entrepreneurs interested in sustainable business topic.
In the report you can explore Social entrepreneurship and sustainable entrepreneurship concepts, different understanding of those concepts in 3 partner countries. Also you can learn more about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and other concepts which have become established in the field of sustainability. Most probably you have heard such terms as ecopreneurship, zero-waste, climate neutrality or circular economy – learn more about those terms in the report!
This report gives you an introduction into International standards for sustainable business practices, will give you possibility to explore different methods and tools.
By conducting report partners interviewed 23 different companies from Germany, Finland and Latvia about their sustainability practice. In this report you can read about those companies and best practices.